A Sketch plugin that copies selected layers to the clipboard as code that can be pasted straight into a UI .purs file.
- Copy one or more layers
- Layers are copied in position
- Text, group and rectangle layers are turned entirely in code
- Image layers too are generated and exported @3x
Download or clone the repository, and double click Presto-Dom-Gen.sketchplugin
What layer types can the plugin handle?
Here is an example of the code that will be generated when you select a rectangle showing the full set of properties that can be generated:
[ height $ V 100
, width $ V 200
, background "#FF18294E"
, stroke "1,#FFFFFFFF"
, cornerRadius 4
Text is copied as a native text layer:
[ height $ V 19
, width $ V 235
, text "There’s a lot to share with others…"
, fontStyle "Gilroy-Medium"
, textSize 16
, color "#9B9B9B"
, letterSpacing (-0.33)
Groups are copied as native linearLayout:
[ height $ V 300
, width $ V 400
What layer styles can the plugin handle?
- Opacity
- Background
- Border
- CornerRadius
- FontStyle, FontSize, FontWeight
- Height, Width
- Gravity
- ImageUrl
- Text
- Kerning
How include image assets
When the design of a layer cannot be represented using native code you will need to use an image asset:
[ height $ V 200
, width $ V 200
, imageUrl "avatar"
Here’s how:
- Select the layer in Sketch and press ‘CMD SHIFT P’
- Enter the ImageUrl and press ok, it will be used to generate the asset naming and in generation imageView -> imageUrl.