- Scope icon
- Create shared text style with rules
- Topographic
Scope icon
ctrl alt cmd i
Wrap the Icon with a square(4n).
Create shared text style with rules
ctrl alt cmd s
Create Shared text with name ${fontFamily}/${fontSize}/${lineHeight}/${color}/${fontWeight}
ctrl alt cmd t
show the frame with a ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.1)’ shape
ctrl alt cmd b
show the frame with a ‘rgba(0,255,255,0.8)’ border
ctrl alt cmd z
clear all
- In our team, we highly recommend that each text should be a shared text style. If there is a text without shared text style the gray shape or the blue line will turn out to be red.
- When the text layer
it is error too.
Of course you can Ingore all the rule when your layer name with _